How to naturally increase testosterone levels in a man

How to naturally increase testosterone levels in a man

What is Testosterone?   Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced mainly by the testicles, and a part of the family of hormones known as androgens. These are the hormones that allow the proper development and preservation of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone plays an essential role in the body and helps regulate numerous biological processes affecting human well-being and health. Indeed, testosterone allows the development of the sexual organs during puberty, acts on the production of sperm, helps regulate libido as well as bone density. It is this hormone that also acts on muscle growth, giving this strength to men after puberty.
However, testosterone also acts on lesser known aspects of health such as good mood, red blood cell production or the way in which the body uses fat. It is therefore an absolutely essential hormone for the proper functioning of the male body. Adequate testosterone levels in men allow them to maintain good health throughout their lives. However, testosterone levels tend to vary over the course of a man's life. Reaching a peak during adolescence and early adulthood, testosterone levels begin to gradually decline as a man ages.
However, it happens that men do not have the right testosterone levels at puberty or that they suddenly experience a drastic decrease in the hormone. Low testosterone levels will take the form of low libido, atrophied muscle growth, severe fatigue or even mood problems.
Lifestyle also plays a role in reducing testosterone levels in men. Being sedentary (the fact of not moving much), the stress of work, an unbalanced diet, have a big impact on hormonal balance. This is why we are going to explain to you how to remedy this problem and naturally increase your testosterone levels for a healthier body. If in doubt, make an appointment with your doctor to understand where a drop in testosterone may be coming from.


So testosterone is an essential hormone for the proper development of male sexual traits, and it is often associated with virility as well as the traditional image of men. Impacting many natural biological processes, the body must produce a certain level of testosterone for its proper functioning. 

What are the effects of testosterone in men? Testosterone has several effects on men. It is she who allows the male body to develop and function properly. Testosterone mainly acts on the development of musculature and strength. It is a hormone that strongly aids protein synthesis in muscle tissues. This synthesis is essential for good muscle growth and increased strength in men from puberty.
This is why testosterone is so widely used by athletes and bodybuilders (see steroid). The main sex hormone in men, it helps in the proper development of sexual organs such as the penis, testicles and prostate during puberty.
Testosterone also affects the maturation and production of good quality sperm.
Testosterone also helps regulate libido. It is also one of the first signs of a lack of testosterone when libido and sexual desire decline.
It also allows the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair or voice change. A less visible effect, testosterone also acts on the regulation of mood in men. Hormonal balance with good testosterone levels greatly influences the mental well-being of men. A significant drop in testosterone can cause irritability, anxiety and even depression in some men.


What are the signs of low testosterone?

A lack of testosterone in a man can take different forms:

  • Decreased libido and sexual desire
  • Fatigue, lack of energy on a daily basis
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Significant weight gain
  • Loss of strength
  • Depression, mood problems, irritability
  • Hair reduction
  • Erection problem
These symptoms may be signs of another problem. If in doubt, make an appointment with your famely doctor who will take blood tests to check your testosterone levels and give you a precise diagnosis of your condition.
And now let see how to increase the level of testosterone in the blood of a man and why? Nowadays, the sedentary lifestyle of men means that testosterone levels are increasingly low. Stress, diet, sedentary lifestyle have an impact on testosterone production. That's why today we're giving you some tips to help man to potentially increase the level of the blood testosterone in order to regain essential hormonal balance.

The first thing to talk about is the food that you should avoid, to get the maximum level of testosterone.  Here are a list of  six kind of foods to avoid. 

1. Ultra-processed foods, high in trans fats and refined sugars.

Ultra-processed foods, often rich in trans fats (not to be confused with saturated and unsaturated fats, which have their place in a balanced diet) and refined sugars, should be avoided. These substances promote inflammation and insulin resistance, disrupting the body's proper functioning and negatively impacting testosterone production. Additionally, these “dead” foods are devoid of essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

2. Soy and its derivatives, full of phytoestrogens

Soy and soy products contain phytoestrogens, plant compounds that mimic the effect of the female sex hormone estrogen. Their consumption can therefore lower testosterone levels. It is best to avoid them so as not to become a "soy boy".

3. Licorice and mint, unsuspected testosterone inhibitors

As surprising as it may seem, licorice and mint contain compounds that reduce testosterone. Glycyrrhizin found in licorice inhibits 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, a key enzyme in the synthesis of testosterone. As for mint, it contains anti-androgenic substances. It is therefore wise to limit their consumption.

4. Alcohol, the enemy of testicular function and testosterone

Alcohol is among the substances to be strongly moderated for man. Excessive consumption impairs the functioning of the testicles, where testosterone is produced. Additionally, alcohol promotes the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Two good reasons to take it easy with beer!

5. Poor quality meat: The poor quality meat that can be found in fast food is often full of growth hormones and antibiotics which can block testosterone production and create a hormonal imbalance.

6. Cow's milk: As with poor quality meat, cow's milk contains growth hormones and antibiotics that affect testosterone production. Consume it in moderation.

The second aspect to talk about is the food that you should took, to get the maximum level of testosterone.  Here are a list of products or foods to eat more often or things to do. 

1. Testosterone boosters :  Testosterone boosters and some kind of dietary supplements are designed and manufactured with the aim of naturally increasing testosterone levels in men who consume them.

Their consumption would, among other things, improve physical performance, libido and even muscle mass. There are many brands on the market. If you are looking for an effective testosterone booster, we recommend you have a look at our products on this store online, like Testosterone Booster Essential Oil (30 ml) a testosterone booster made only with 100% natural ingredients that is said to help increase testosterone levels naturally according to its manufacturer.

By bringing together ingredients that are recognized by science to help you increase testosterone levels, such as Ashwagandha KSM extract or Fenugreek, Testosterone Booster Essential Oil (30 ml) is a testosterone booster that can be purchased without a prescription, because it is only a food supplement. 

2. Physicals Exercises : To increase naturally your testosterone, you should start to do exercises training. Being sedentary is one of the major reasons why men have a drop in testosterone levels. That's why the easiest way to increase testosterone is to move and exercise. In addition to boosting testosterone levels, being physically active regularly prevents many health problems such as obesity or heart disease. The physical exercises you can do will also influence your testosterone level. For example, strength training and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio exercises can increase testosterone levels in the body in the short term. And unlike classic cardio which can lower testosterone, HIIT cardio does not lower it because it is an intense exercise but only in the short term. Incorporate physical exercises every day or as often as possible into your daily life that keep you in shape. Because in addition to increasing testosterone, physical activity promotes good mental and physical health.

3. Eat more protein and fat: The food that a man eat each day has an impact on his testosterone levels. Instead of going on a diet that could also lower testosterone levels, it is advisable to eat more protein. Eating enough protein every day allows the body to maintain optimal hormonal balance. It would also be possible to increase your testosterone by eating fatty foods. Olive oil, nuts (except almonds) avocado and oilseeds are unsaturated fatty acids with a high lipid content. Lipids allow testosterone levels to increase. Eating more fat would also help muscle growth, because the fat ingested would cause the production of testosterone to convert it into muscle mass. We will therefore favour a diet containing proteins such as meat, fish and eggs as well as unsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil or seeds rich in lipids.

4. Sleep better and longer Sleep is much more restorative than you might think. In addition to the fact that quality sleep helps the body recover from the previous day, it also helps to better regulate and maintain the hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the body, including testosterone. As important as a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity, quality sleep is essential. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived adolescents have lower testosterone levels than those who get enough sleep. It is therefore recommended to sleep a minimum of 7 hours each night for good quality rest and good health.

6. Manage your stress: The stress of everyday life has a significant impact on testosterone levels. An organism that is constantly under the influence of stress will produce more cortisol, a hormone, which if too present in the body, prevents the production of testosterone. By reducing stress, you lower cortisol levels, which has the effect of rebalancing testosterone levels in the body. In general, stress greatly affects mental and physical health, which is why you must quickly learn to manage it before it does too much damage. Meditation and exercise are two simple ways to get rid of stress.

7. Avoid Certain Chemicals Certain external factors can also affect the body's ability to produce testosterone. For example, chemicals such as paraben (a preservative often found in cosmetics) or Bisphenol A (found in most plastics and resins) act on testosterone levels. So consider using paraben-free shower products or using glass containers rather than plastic to avoid absorbing these chemicals. Called "endocrine disruptors", these products should be avoided as much as possible, because they strongly disrupt hormonal balance.

Some pesticides can also cause significant drops in testosterone.

9. Eat fruits and vegetables For a healthy body and good hormonal balance, there is nothing better than eating fruits and vegetables more often and in larger quantities. Vegetables that boost testosterone levels: avocado, garlic, ginger, or cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts are vegetables known to increase testosterone levels. This is thanks to their phytonutrient composition called Indole-3-carbinol (IC3) which reduces the action of an enzyme affecting testosterone. Fruits that boost testosterone levels: pomegranate, pineapple or even bananas are fruits that boost testosterone levels in the body. Containing Bromelain, an enzyme that helps to better assimilate proteins and manage testosterone levels.

Here are the best foods to include in your diet for better testosterone levels:

Beef: and red meats in general, because they contain a large number of fatty acids, essential vitamins such as vitamin B12 and minerals such as Zinc. Beef in particular helps to better regulate good cholesterol levels. A perfect mix for good hormonal balance, provided that the meat is of good quality.

Fish: fish such as tuna or wild salmon are excellent sources of selenium and omega-3 which will stimulate the production of testosterone. They also help increase protein synthesis, which has the effect of better regulating testosterone levels.

Avocado: in addition to being full of good fat, avocado is also an excellent source of vitamin B6, potassium and zinc, components which have been recognized by science to boost testosterone production. The fat found in avocado is also a regulator of good cholesterol (HDL), cholesterol which helps increase testosterone.

Banana: composed of bromelain, eating bananas allows for better regulation of hormonal balance, particularly testosterone, and boosts the immune system. Bromelain is also found in pineapple. Banana is also rich in Vitamin B, a vitamin known for its health benefits.

Sunflower seeds: a handful of sunflower seeds per day is enough to increase testosterone. This is thanks to its composition of vitamin E, zinc, selenium and essential fatty acids. A perfect blend for a healthy body.

Ginger: studies have shown that consuming ginger will affect testosterone production. Ginger increases blood flow to the adrenal glands, glands that help the production of testosterone.

There are many other foods that help testosterone production such as oysters, citrus fruits, flax seeds, peanut butter and garlic. This is why it is important to have a rich, varied and balanced diet to have a good testosterone level.

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