Keep Kidneys Healthy

Keep Kidneys Healthy

How to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and ovaries.

This is a true story from a co-worker

INTRODUCTION: After having experienced sad episodes of life linked to the presence of mould in his birthplace, my colleague wishes to share with you his story and those of his parents

His father gradually developed a liver problem and a kidney problem starting in 2005, followed by 6 years of dialysis. He died in 2015 because his liver and kidneys had lost their function.

In 2015, following analyses carried out at the central laboratory of Canada in Winnipeg and that of Toulouse in France, mycotoxins were found in the urine of each of his close relatives and himself. The moulds identified and confirmed by the second laboratory are aflatoxin B1 for his mother and himself, and aflatoxin B1 and B2 for his father.

In 2015 the expert from the Toulouse laboratory in France warned him of the risk of developing kidney cancer around 2020 to 2025 given the presence of aflatoxin B1 in his blood. In 2021 his mother died of cancer of the ovaries after a month of illness. A blood test In January 202 showed that he had growing kidney dysfunction.

After reading a thesis from the University of Toulouse, In May 2022, he decides to consumed Cardamom (1 teaspoon/day) for approximately 8 months and his two kidneys became 100% functional again. These good results were confirmed by his doctor shortly before Christmas 2022. Thus, the consumption of cardamom improved the functioning of his kidneys by counteracting the harmful effects of aflatoxin B1. However, the mould causing aflatoxin B1 (one of the 20 known strains of aspergillus) is still present in his urine analyses

Note that another of our colleagues lost his left kidney due to two non-carcinogenic tissue clumps on his left kidney (the size of a golf ball and the other of a tennis ball). Several months after the removal of his left kidney, his right kidney showed a worrying loss of performance before his specialist, who was stunned and unable to explain why. His specialist told him in August 2023 that his right kidney was only functioning at 30% with a constant loss of performance.

After informing this other colleague of the potential solution of consuming cardamom (spice) to counter the malfunction of his kidney, he opts to try it from September 23, 2023. In November, he learns the new results of his blood test by his family doctor. The creatinine level is 139, slightly lower than the desired value of 140 for a person with only one kidney. Before taking cardamom, he had values of 177 and 180 which greatly worried his specialist. Very happy with the result, this colleague continues to take cardamom, since then.

Another Thesis shown that Coriander and cinnamon are other spices to consume to fight against Aflatoxin B1 responsible for many cases of cancer, liver and/or kidney problems, see thesis on the internet whose title is: Use of compounds from plants against fungal mycotoxinogenesis (Aflatoxin B1 model)

Warning/opinion: Be careful with essential oils (EO) described in the thesis, some can kill your kidneys or your liver. So you should be careful and avoid taking essential oils because they are highly concentrated products.

The essential oils (EO) used in the reference thesis were used in Petri dishes only (unless otherwise indicated by the authors) and not on laboratory animals and even less on humans. Using natural spices found in most supermarkets is more appropriate.

The facts described above, although true as experienced by my colleagues, are given for information and indicative purposes only. They are not subject to a doctor's recommendation. None of us are doctors.

6 Things People with Kidney Disease Should Do:
  1. Lower high blood pressure.
  2. Manage blood sugar levels.
  3. Reduce salt intake.
  4. Avoid NSAIDs, a type of painkiller.
  5. Moderate protein consumption.
  6. Get an annual flu shot.

5 Foods to avoid

a)  Butter: made from animal fat, it contains cholesterol high levels of saturated fat. Use olive oil instead to cook.

b) Mayonnaise: Like butter, real mayonnaise also contains high levels of saturated fat, high sodium and sugar, and may contain some additives.

c) Soda: These products provide no nutritional benefit and are full of sugars. Studies have linked sodas to conditions like osteoporosis, kidney disease, metabolic syndrome and dental problems. So remove it from your drinks. Skip soda and reach for water instead with lemon or oranges slices to add flavour taste.

d) Processed deli meats: Scrap cold cuts like salami and Bologna from your diet! Processed meats can be significant sources of sodium and also nitrates, which have been linked to cancer. Choose fresh fish, chicken and vegetables always check for the low sodium and the low nitrate meats.

5) Frozen meals: Frozen meals foods may contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Avoid frozen pizza and microwaveable dinners. These meals often have hidden sodium, fat and sugar.  None are good for the kidneys.

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