Tips to treat acne

Tips to treat acne


Acne is a very common skin disease, which primarily affects adolescents, and it is caused by a build-up of dead skin cells, bacteria and dry oil, which clog the hair follicles in the skin. Acne is more precisely an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicle.

Each pilosebaceous follicle is made up of a hair, to which a sebaceous gland is attached. This gland secretes, which is normally very fluid. It flows through the pores of the skin, which it covers to protect it.

In acne, this gland secreted in excess, and it becomes thick and dead cells clog skin pores. In this fat-rich environment, a bacterium usually present on the skin, Propionibacterium acnes, multiplies abnormally. This leads to the appearance of acne lesions.

What causes acne?

Several factors can contribute to the appearance of acne:

  1. Heredity: If your parents already had acne, you are more likely to get it.

  2. Puberty: During adolescence, the body produces more sex hormones. For example, testosterone stimulates sebum production and the formation of sebaceous glands in boys, which promotes the formation of blackheads and pimples.
  3. Hormonal variations in women: In some women, hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle could explain the appearance of spots the week before menstruation. It is also possible to develop acne during pregnancy or menopause. A cause (polycystic ovarian syndrome, for example) is sought during the medical consultation to adapt the acne treatment.
  4. Strong emotions (stress, anger): When we are anxious, for example, our emotion increases the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that stimulates the production of sebum. 
  5. Sweating: Too much sweating can make acne worse for some people. For example, after exercising, the mixture of sweat, oil and bacteria produced by the body will return to the pores of the skin if it is not cleaned, increasing the chances of clogged pores.
  6. Dry skin: Dry skin is more easily irritated and reacts by increasing its sebum production.
  7. Medicinal origin: Certain treatments can result in the development of acne by disruption of sebum production.

  8. Cosmetics use : Certain oily cosmetics called “comedogenic”: they clog hair follicles and prevent the flow of sebum. This creates a veritable pantry for the bacteria responsible for acne.

  9.  Repeated friction: this can also cause imperfections. The cause is simple: friction destroys the lipid film that protects the epidermis, sending a signal to the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. The cycle is started, the buttons are showing their noses.

  10. Does junk food cause acne? Contrary to popular belief, no scientific study has demonstrated a link between acne and the consumption of chocolate or high-fat foods, such as fries and potato chips. It is still recommended to have a healthy and balanced diet in order to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and be healthy.

Where does acne occur? In 95% of people with acne, the face is the area most often affected by acne. Other areas of the body can be affected: the back (43% of people with acne); the neck (20%); the anterior part of the thorax (20%).

Who has acne? Acne develops around puberty. It concerns 80% of adolescents and young adults between 12 and 20 years old. In approximately 15 to 20% of cases, acne is severe.

Acne in adults, and more particularly in women, is becoming more and more common (around 25% of women): it follows adolescent acne which has not healed; or it appears in adulthood and can be associated with manifestations linked to excess male hormones (abundant hair growth, menstrual disorders, etc.).


What is infant acne? It is a transient acne formed by pustules and closed comedones, occurring in the first month of life, in approximately 20% of newborns, and more frequently in boys.

It would be due to the stimulation of by maternal androgen hormones, but the possible role of a bacterium is mentioned. Acne affects the baby's face and rarely the chest, shoulders and upper back. It can be aggravated by improper grooming (use of oily products). Its evolution is spontaneously favourable within a short period of time, on average two to three months.

Good to know: sebum is necessary for the proper functioning of the skin. It creates a fatty film which protects it from external aggressions (cold, heat, friction), and retains the evaporation of water. It only poses a problem in the event of excessive production.


Tips for treating acne By avoiding triggers and adopting the following daily care, you may have better acne control.

  • Skin hygiene Clean your face twice daily with a mild, non-irritating, unscented soap or cleanser. Avoid washing your skin too often, scrubbing too hard, or using an exfoliant, as this can make acne worse through irritation. Apply a moisturizer after cleansing as needed. Choose lotions if you have oily skin, and creams if your skin is drier.
  • Body hygiene Wash your hair regularly, especially if it tends to be oily. Tie your hair back to clear your face, especially when sleeping.
  • Avoid Cosmetic products:  Avoid wearing makeup every day and using oily cosmetic products, such as concealers, liquid foundations, hair pomades, hair oils, hairsprays, etc. Choose products with the “oil-free” or “non-comedogenic” label. Always remove your makeup at the end of the day.
  • Using and acne treatment: If you are using a topical acne treatment, you must cleanse your skin before applying the treatment. After applying the treatment, you can apply a moisturizing cream or lotion. Makeup should be applied last only.
  • Using sunscreen: Apply sunscreen after your topical acne medication has dried or after taking oral acne medications, as they can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
  • Shaving: Shave your beard in the direction of hair growth, with a new blade each time. Do not go over the same place more than once.
  • Moisturize : Make sure to moisturize your skin to prevent it from peeling.

Act at the source to limit the appearance of imperfections naturally Now that you know where this acne that is making your life difficult comes from, you can act at the source to limit its appearance. One of the essential rules is the one we've been telling you since childhood: don't touch your pimples. It's easier said than done, but here's the explanation, maybe by understanding, you'll stop picking on them, and you can say goodbye to your acne that makes you look like a teenager.

As seen previously, acne lesions (pimples and blackheads) are in fact inflammation due to the proliferation of bacteria. By piercing your pimples to try to remove them, you spread these bacteria on your skin, and increase the risk of it proliferating elsewhere (and also take the risk of creating a scar). This is why you should use peroxide or alcohol to kill these bacteria after removing your blackheads.

Another good practice is not to expose yourself to the sun. UV rays promote thickening of the skin, which contributes to clogging hair follicles. The same process follows: sebum no longer flows properly, bacteria develop, the pore becomes inflamed, and turns into a pimple.

Choose anti-inflammatory, healing and antibacterial active ingredients, such as mint, zinc, and hazelnut oil. These ingredients support the body to help reduce inflammation, heal the skin, and limit the spread of bacteria.

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