Getting rid of intestinal parasites

Getting rid of intestinal parasites

Parasites are much more common than you think. It is therefore important to know them and prevent their appearance to eliminate them quickly. The worst part is that it is very difficult to diagnose them.

Because the symptoms they cause can be confused with other ailments, for example fatigue or anxiety. What's more, they are associated with certain neuronal diseases. How to know if you have intestinal parasites, You may think you are infected with intestinal parasites if the following occur:

  • Diarrhoea.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Fragility.
  • Weight loss.
  • Excess gas.
  • Presence of parasites in the stools
As soon as you notice the presence of some of these symptoms, the ideal is to consult a doctor to carry out various tests. This will let you know what type of parasite is attacking you.
A good diet to eliminate parasites
The diet that must be followed to eliminate parasites must be strict. Because parasites feed on certain foods. It is therefore very important to completely avoid:
  1.  Sugar and sweet foods;
  2.  Milk and other dairy products.
  3. In addition to these restrictions, you will need to reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates (white rice, pasta, bread, etc.).
Here are a list of products to consume to relieve yourself naturally, they used to be like home treatments that can help you get rid of and treat intestinal parasites naturally. You can take one of the following recipes, the one that you will feel the better for your body. 
Garlic: Garlic is a medicinal plant that functions as a natural antibiotic. It helps you prevent many diseases. As for parasites, it is just as effective. The only problem is its disturbing smell. Some people have difficulty digesting it properly. For those who tolerate it quite well, they can eat raw garlic in the morning. Around 15 cloves of garlic per day for 3 days will be enough to kill the parasites.

Lemon juice: Lemon juice is a very effective natural remedy that helps cleanse and combat impurities that often accumulate in the intestine. It also eliminates the microorganisms that cause infections. In addition, lemon makes it easier to regulate intestinal transit. Thus, it relieves various symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps, loss of appetite and diarrhoea. To prepare this lemon remedy, you will only need two fresh lemon. Ingredients :

  • The juice of two fresh lemon.
  • 2 cup of water (500 ml).
Preparation :
  •  Add the juice of the fresh lemon in the two cup of water, mix them well, and you can consume this remedy to combat intestinal infection disorders.
  • It is important to consume this lemon remedy throughout the next three days to promote rapid recovery from disorders associated with intestinal infection.

Tibetan remedy: Another possibility is the Tibetan remedy with Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are one of the most powerful foods we have for preventing and eliminating parasites. They should be eaten raw, without grilling them, and preferably on an empty stomach.

You can also prepare a vegetable drink with these seeds. To do this, crush 50 g of pumpkin seeds, then mix them with 250 cl of water. To sweeten the drink, you can add a little stevia (from a pharmacy).

Thyme and chamomile infusions: Infusions can help prevent parasites or complement treatment. You will prepare a litter of infusion of thyme (zîtra) and chamomile (baboundj) every day, to consume throughout the day.

Family homemade syrup

You can prepare a homemade syrup with the following ingredients:

  • 100 g of pumpkin pulp.
  • 500 g of garlic powder.
  • 500 g of honey.
Boil the pumpkin in two litres of water until its size is reduced by half. Then turn off the heat, then add and mix the garlic powder and let everything sit for two hours. Then, add the honey, all you have to do is filter your syrup!
We suggest that you can take two tablespoons of this preparation every morning for 10 days.
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