Quit smoking more easily

Quit smoking more easily

How to quit smoking more easily.

Here are the best ways to stop smoking.

1) Never start smoking: By never starting to smoke, it is certain that you will never be dependent on nicotine.

Many people use nicotine replacement therapy (patches, inhalers, mouth sprays, gums or lozenges) and it works for a lot of them!

These aids are sold without a prescription, so they are easy to applying. . Your doctor may also prescribe an anti-smoking medication to help you quit smoking, such as Champix or Zyban.

Currently, the two simplest methods available are: vaping and nicotine patches. 

2) Vaping: The advantage of vaping is that it is 80% less carcinogenic than cigarette tobacco. Here it is a question of reducing the quantity of nicotine in vaping liquids over time, so the dependence will be reduced just as much. After a few months, it will be appropriate to replace nicotine-free vaping with gum to stop the habit of always having a cigarette in your mouth.

Adolescents are not recommended to start vaping as a substitute for smoking cigarettes; it should be remembered that the ingredients in vaping are harmful to your health because they are carcinogenic, they become embedded by obstructing the alveoli of the lungs and your body has no need for them. 

After sometime using it, under physical effort, breathing becomes abnormally more panting than before.

Often it's fashion that attracts, we want to conform to what others are doing, but it's a consumer trap.

3) Nicotine patches: Nicotine patches are a great way to combat your cigarette addiction. By reducing the concentration of nicotine in the patches over a certain number of weeks, you will be able to completely get rid of this addiction. 

4) Write down your reasons for quitting:  List your top four reasons for quitting on a chart and post it where you will see it every day. You can also write down these reasons in your cell phone. Wherever you are, consult your list to fight an urge or simply to remind yourself of it during difficult times.

5) List your triggers:  Even when using a smoking cessation method, there may be an incident that triggers the need to have a cigarette in your mouth. 

Think about all the situations where you might have trouble resisting the urge to smoke – for example, when you have your morning coffee or during your afternoon break. To help yourself, find ways to thwart these triggers. For example, choose to have your coffee elsewhere or go for a walk, or even meet a friend or read during your break. Do that for each event that can trigger your urge to smoke.

6) Create a mindset : If you believe in your ability to quit, it will be easier to do so. Self-motivation is a great way to increase your confidence and your chances of remaining smoke-free:

  • I don't need this cigarette now.
  • Smoking is not an obligation for me.
  • I can have fun at a party even if I don't smoke.

We hope that our few tips will be beneficial to you, so don't give up and you will have better health.

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