How to Slow Ageing (and may even reverse it)

How to Slow Ageing (and may even reverse it)

How to Slow Ageing (and may even reverse it)

Here are seven things that you can do to slow down the rate of your ageing:

  1. Avoid DNA and ARN damage. To do so, you got to protect your skin against Ultra-violet light, and your body from X-Ray and radiation.  So that mean that you got to wear sunscreen in the summer, to put sunglasses, avoid hospital, and all that sort of stuff. 
  2.  Eat less, like caloric restriction.  

    By reducing the number of calories ingested and eating less, the digestive system is less stressed, fats are eliminated, and the body is much better in general. The risks of heart disease are reduced.

  3. Eat fewer proteins. Your body have a lot of way to produce them with others food. Remember that proteins from four-legged mammals are more harmful to the body because they are too often surrounded by bad fats that are ingested along with them. It would be better to change this kind of meat to chicken, fish and natural proteins like tofu, etc. But first reduce the part of proteins from the table.
  4. Exercises: Practice high-intensity physical activity training. Multiply your age by one minute, and you will know how much exercise it is recommended for you to do per day. One of the best exercises is walking, doing it for 30 minutes a day is a minimum. It is best to train using an exerciser or weights. The ideal is to reach a brisk pace where you start to have difficulty speaking, this for 40 to 60% of your training time. So go swimming, running, jump rope, yoga or play a sport like soccer, hockey, basketball, tennis, skateboarding, etc.

  5. Good use of cold : To be uncomfortable in the cold, such as in cold water, for a period of 5 to 10 minutes each day. Use ice cubes to rub your wrists for at least 2 minutes in the evening just before going to bed, and your eyesight will improve as well as your digestion. This activates the lymphatic system and changes the retina 

  6. Good use of hot: To be uncomfortable at high temperatures of 30 Celsius and above for a period of 5 to 10 minutes per day. Increasing the discomfort of the cells has the effect of putting them back into a mode of self-regulation rather than a mode of storing fat.

  7. Follow a diet, like the Mediterranean diet for the United Kingdom people:   Following this type of diet will eliminate excess fat from your body.

All these combined actions will trigger your body longevity genes into maintaining your epigene, going into repair and protect mode rather than grow and reproduce.

But what if slowing ageing is not enough for you? Why not reversing ageing instead?  So here is what we know about this subject:

A)  Reset the epigeneWell, the way to do this, is to effectively reset the epigene back to and earlier time. How can it be possible?

Back In 2012, Yamanaka (with John Gurdon) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering the 4 factors which when applied in a gene therapy to an adult cell would reset the whole epigene back to how the cell was when it was in embryo state or be converted to stem cells too, and in 2013 he was awarded the $3 million Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for his work. 

The Yamanaka factors (Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc) are a group of protein transcription factors that play a vital role in the creation of induced pluripotent stem cells (cells that have the ability to become any cell in the body), often called iPSCs. They control how DNA is copied for translation into other proteins.

They are sometimes referred to as (OSKM genes). In 2006, Professor Shinya Yamanaka generated iPS cells from human adult fibroblasts, and, having started with 24 transcription factors known to be important in the early embryo, he and his research team whittled that down to 4 key transcription factors – Sox2, Oct4, Klf4 and c-Myc

The factors are highly expressed in embryonic stem cells, and their over-expression can induce pluripotency in human somatic cells. These factors regulate the developmental signalling network necessary for embryonic stem cell pluripotency.

Yamanaka factors are often used to transform an adult cell into induced pluripotent stem cells; these have become important tools in longevity research, but they are a double-edged sword, as over-exposure can lead to a cell’s identity being erased.

The discovery of the Yamanaka Factors and the ability to generate iPSCs has had a significant impact on the field of ageing research and the development of therapies for age-related diseases. By generating iPSCs from adult cells, researchers are able to create an “unlimited” supply of cells for use in regenerative medicine, drug development, and the study of cellular ageing.

So it is what is called a pluripotent stem cell. Now, you wouldn't want to apply that to your entire body because, well, then you would turn into a giant tumour. 

Your cells wouldn't know how to differentiate goods from bad cells. But it does suggest that there are ways of resetting your epigenome a can be the key to reversing ageing. 

The big breakthrough just happens one year ago in a lab was to reprogram a mousse eye. Make an ageing blind mousse eye to recover completely was something unexpected and amazing to do. The scientist use only three of the 4 reprogramming factors to not reset to much earlier the cells in the mouse retina.

This recipe was successful work for taking the age of the eye backward, but not too far.  The process can be stopped easily at any time, or can be putting on when needed. This can be applied to any tissues or human cells as well. So the big question is:  Can you take a mouse way back to the whole body.

The laboratory started the experiment on a bunch of mice to see and know if it will work for the whole body, They want to know if they can reprogram their body's to be young again. They fell freakishly exciting actually about this.

The other thing that professor Sinclair want to know is can the lab do it again 2 times, 100 times or more, make the same eye and mouse back ageing again and again. 

The moon jellyfish is already capable of resetting is ageing and restart is life forever.

Can we apply the process to a whole human body? Actually, is the human body seem too complex to fix with this process and as the number of stem cells decreases greatly and their use is restricted in the body with age, it is much too early to know about it.

B) Preserve telomeres following cellular reproduction:  What are telomeres? A cell and its nucleus. The nucleus contains the chromosomes, at the end of which there are the telomeres. With each cell division, telomeres shorten

Then another way, would be to find how to preserve the number of telomeres at the end of each chromosome's chain following cell multiplication. Currently, after 64 times a cell has multiplied, there are no longer enough telomeres, and the cell reproduction cycle stops.
Back in 2008, some Nautiluses over 5,000 years old have been found petrified in sedimentary rock. Laboratory analyses link a toxin that can explain this rare phenomenon of longevity. This toxin, present in certain microscopic algae from the crustacean era, must have been part of their daily menu.
Some ongoing academic research into this toxin aims to determine how it affects cell division. The discoveries to follow could help us live longer.

Yes, possible solutions exist to reverse the age, but they are experimental, and often the products are expensive and out of the reach of middle-class people. You should use known means that will allow you to live in better health and/or increase the quality of your sensory experiences.


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