How to lose weight

How to lose weight

How to lose weight

First, you have to take note that it is the level of insulin in the blood that dictates whether the body can store or remove fat. An insulin peak above 100 tells the system that it can transform sugar into fat and deposit it where space is available.

When we talk about being overweight, certain foods should be avoided. Here are your biggest enemies':

  1. Sugar : (white, brown, black) Eating sugar induces an immediate insulin overload in the blood. A spike over 100, like the diagram shown, will start your body to transform the sugar in fat. This is why it is important to reduce sugar consumption (soft drinks, pastries, desserts, etc.)
  2. Flour (bread, cakes, croissant, etc.) White flour is composed of approximately 70% starch which happens to be complex carbohydrates or complex sugar chains, 16% water, 10% gluten or proteins, 1.4% lipids and 1.6% sucrose. So flour contains a lot of sugar that maintain for a long time the insulin spike in the blood higher than 100. 
  3. Pasta. A lot of pasta have a high glycaemic index and load the insulin, especially those made from white flour, which, if consumed in too large quantities, can cause weight gain. 
  4. Processed meats: Beef jerky, hot dogs and heavily processed lunch meats should not find their way onto your table. These meats contain nitrates and a lot of preservatives. A study from the Harvard School of Public Health has revealed that eating processed meats leads to an increased risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

    If you’re going to get protein from animal sources, It is better to avoid eating meat from four-legged mammals, except sheep and eat instead yogurt, eggs (not more than four per week), salmon and other fish, or chicken.

    For non-animal sources, add more vegetables, almond milk and quinoa to your diet.

  5. Butter and Margarine: Butter contains a lot of lipids and trans fats, which are contraindicated for weight loss. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, some margarines may actually be worse for you than butter, due to the process of hydrogenation, which creates trans fats. It is more appropriate to use olive oil and grapeseed oil as healthier replacements for butter and margarine when cooking.

  6. Packaged snack (Potato chips, crisps, etc.), cookies:  Be anti-snack, anti-dessert, or anti-process bakery food if you want so lose weight. Bakery-made pastries and desserts are better choices than those from a box, which often contain a lot of added sugar And the same holds true for frosting snack cookies. If you make your own cookies, it would be better because you would know the amounts of icing sugar, the type of flour, chocolate and this with much fewer chemicals. But in a packaged snack or cookies, they are about 15 to 40 different chemicals.
  7. Anything fat-free.  No-fat items often compensate for fat with large amounts of sugar, and are highly processed. For example, some non-fat yogurts contain artificial sweeteners, that are worst for the body. Stop thinking cutting fat out of your diet entirely, but rather focusing on good fats such as olive oil, avocado and sesame oil.

(Take rice, fruits or vegetables instead)

Real advice that works

Have you tried diets, workout plans, calorie calculators, even natural health products or pills to lose weight? If so, you’re not alone. A whopping 76 percent of United Kingdom women want to lose weight and 57 percent feel pressure to be thin or shed pounds, according to a survey.

And with good reason: we know excess pounds can raise our risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. Some scientific analysis linked excess body weight to 20 different types of cancer, including endometrial and gallbladder cancers. Fortunately, winning the battle of the bulge may be easier than you think. Just take it one meal at a time, with these research-tested tips in hand.

  1. Enjoy one big breakfast and a one-course dinner A UK study of 6,764 men and women aged 40 to 75 determined that those who ate the most calories at breakfast gained the least amount of weight, regardless of the total number of calories consumed during the rest of the day. Looks like breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day!
  2. Turn off the TV : We all want to know what happens next on TV. But a study from a UK university concluded that people who spent four hours or more daily on screen time (TV or computer) were more likely to regain excess weight. So, get off the couch and get moving!
  3. Physical exercises: Do physical exercise for at least 60 minutes a day such as walking, swimming, jogging, etc. With this only recommendation, you can lose 2 pounds per month and maintain your weight (30 hours of walking per month will eliminate 1 kg of fat from your body).
  4. Drop the salt shaker University researchers speculate that the increase in salt intake in the UK, a rise of approximately 25 percent from the mid-2010s to the late 2020s, may be behind the UK obesity trend. Their rationale: salt-induced thirst leads us to quaff down more sweetened beverages. Slake that dry throat with water instead, and go easy on the salt too.
  5. Savour more whole grains: filling fibre in whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice and whole-wheat bread is not only linked to lower weights, it can also reduce belly fat and blood-vessel inflammation that boosts the risk of heart disease, according to a Pennsylvania State University study.
  6. Forget extreme diets: Bodies react to quick weight loss by burning calories less efficiently and storing them as fat more readily. Overly restrictive diets can also trigger food cravings that contribute to weight rebound. Any eating plan that promises you’ll lose more than one to two pounds a week without exercise is probably not sustainable.
  7. Check the list of ingredients when you are buying process food at the market: You will know better the sugar, fat, protein that they have and instructions for salt the daily percentage.

We find on internet a smart way to lose weight too. 

You will have to do this Mediterranean recipe, that is set to increase the rate of brown fat compared to white fat in the body. The colour of the brown fat comes from the increase of the number of mitochondria and their way of burning fat.  

The herbs in this recipe contain Phytonutrients that increase the thermogenesis of the mitochondria inside the fat cells and change their colour to brown. This welcomes a Catalyst effect, that burn more calories in the brown cells than in the white one.

Generally, eating this recipe will multiply brown fats in a ratio of 4 to 5 times their initial quantity in the body. So if you got 20 grams of brown fat in the beginning, they will increase between 80 and 100 grams. 

However, as the body producing brown fat, it burns 300 times more calories than for white fat and the new brown fat cells continue this way of burning calories. 

So after two weeks of using this recipe, each person have an average weight loss of 6.4 kg or 14.1 pounds, (about 1 pound a day).  And this weight loss is maintained.

Brown fat is present mainly in babies, but Nature study of 2021, shown that it disappear with ageing and near 35 years old, 95% of people have less than 25 grams of brown fat in their body. 

Here are the six Phytonutrients that doctor James Wilkings of London find : 

  • Milk thistle: (Silybum marianum) is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae (or composite) family, the only known representative of the genus Silybum (some authors, however, mention a second species, Silybum eburneum). The Milk Thistle contains sillibinin (Producing 650% more brown fats), also known as silybin.  It is the main active constituent of silymarin, a mixture of flavonolignans extracted from milk thistle (Silybum marianum). It is used in the treatment and prevention of liver diseases due to its anti-hepatotoxic properties.
  • Green tea (Camellia sinensis with is ECGC compound) is a kind of unfermented tea that retains the natural substance in fresh leaves to a great extent. It is regarded as the second most popular drink in the world besides water. In this paper, the phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of green tea are reviewed systematically and comprehensively. Key findings Green tea has been demonstrated to be good for human health. Nowadays, multiple pharmacologically active components have been isolated and identified from green tea, including tea polyphenols, alkaloids, amino acids, polysaccharides, and volatile components. Recent studies have demonstrated that green tea shows versatile pharmacological activities, such as antioxidant, anticancer, hypoglycaemic, antibacterial, antiviral, and neuroprotective. Studies on the toxic effects of green tea extract, and its main ingredients, have also raised concerns including hepatotoxicity and DNA damage. Summary Green tea can be used to assist the treatment of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, oral cancer, and dermatitis. Consequently, green tea has shown promising practical prospects in health care and disease prevention.
  • Berberine is a bioactive compound that belongs to the group of alkaloids and is present in different plants, among which the Berberis shrub family stands out. It is a yellow substance that has been used as a dye and has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine. Berberine has been shown to benefit various biological systems in the body. After ingestion, it is absorbed and transported through the bloodstream. Once in the cells, this compound binds to other molecules and is modified, just as a drug would. Another function of this substance is to activate an enzyme present in cells, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In general, this enzyme is found in the brain, muscles, kidneys, heart and liver and it plays an important role in the control of metabolism.   A study published in Biochemistry and Cell Biology showed that berberine can significantly lower blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Similarly, research published in Metabolism found that it may be as effective as metformin. Another study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology showed that berberine is able to decrease insulin resistance, increase glycolysis, decrease sugar production in the liver, delay the breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestine, and increase the number of good bacteria.
  • Banaba: Lagerstroemia speciosa (giant crepe-myrtle, Queen's crepe-myrtle, banabá plant, or pride of India, or "Queen's Flower" or "Jarul" is a species of Lagerstroemia native to tropical southern Asia. It is a deciduous tree with bright pink to light purple flowers. The name "Queen's Flower" is derived from the specific epithet 'reginae' or 'flosreginae', which means "imperial or flower of the queen". The tree bears beautiful attractive flowers in profusion in purple, lilac or pinkish-violet colours, and lasts for many months. Its timber is next only to teak in its strength. It is called Queen Crape myrtle as its flowers look like delicate crêpe paper. Giant Crape Myrtle's seeds are narcotic, bark and leaves are purgative, roots are astringent, stimulant and febrifuge (fever removing). Decoction of leaves is used in diabetes.
  • Resveratrol (3,5,4′-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol or polyphenol and a phytoalexin produced by several plants in response to injury or when the plant is under attack by pathogens, such as bacteria or fungi. Sources of resveratrol in food include the skin of  grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries

    Although commonly used as a dietary supplement and studied in laboratory models of human diseases, there is no high-quality evidence that resveratrol improves lifespan or has a substantial effect on any human disease.

  • Panax ginseng, ginseng, also known as Asian ginsengChinese ginseng or Korean ginseng, is a species of plant whose root is the original source of gingseng. It is a perennial plant that grows in the mountains of East Asia.

    Panax ginseng is primarily cultivated in Korea. While all South Korean ginseng is Panax ginseng, ginseng production in China encompasses both Panax ginseng and South China ginseng (Panax notoginseng). Use of Panax ginseng during pregnancy and breastfeeding is potentially unsafe. It may have adverse effects in people with immune disorders, bleeding conditions, cardiovascular diseases or cancer. It should not be used by children.

Recipe: Put 1 to 2 grams of each of these 6 ingedients into a cup of hot water, wait 5 minutes and it is ready. If you got only three of the ingredients, it will work, but the berberine is a must. 

    Drink this recipe before 10 am every day and lose weight that won't return.

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