How to have long lasting erection for male sex organ

How to have long lasting erection for male sex organ

What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain a firm erection for sexual intercourse. It is a generally treatable disorder that becomes more prevalent as men age. General sexual dysfunction can also include ejaculation problems, anatomical malformations of the penis and libido problems.
Erectile dysfunction is associated with a number of risk factors including blood pressure, hormone production, stress and lifestyle. It can also be a warning sign of other serious health problems such as heart disease or diabetes.

Risk factors include:

  • Be over 50 years old;
  • Smoking;
  • Obesity or overweight;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart disease;
  • High blood pressure;
  • High cholesterol;
  • Drug addiction or alcoholism;
  • Stress and fatigue;
  • Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions;
  • Penile malformations (example: Peyronie's disease);
  • Social or marital difficulties;
  • Testosterone deficiency;
  • Certain prescription medications;
  • Brain diseases like Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis;
  • Certain medical treatments such as prostate surgery or radiation therapy for cancer;
  • Injuries to the nerves or arteries that control erections due to external trauma or surgery in the pelvis;
  • Nitric oxide deficiency in the body

Diagnostic (only a medical doctor can do a diagnostic)
Generally attributable to temporary stress, fatigue or relationship problems, occasional erection problems are not necessarily worrying. Consult your healthcare professional if the problem is persistent and ongoing, especially if you have more than two risk factors.
It is important to note that erectile dysfunction can be associated with other serious health problems such as heart disease, hardening of the arteries and spinal cord diseases, in addition to being common among people who have the diabetes.
Prevent erectile dysfunction Among the natural ways to prevent it are:
  • Physical exerciseDo physical exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, 12 of which must increase your heart rate (running, fast swimming, intense body building efforts, etc.).  Normally, the number of minutes of physical exercise per day should correspond to your age. So at 50 years old it's 50 minutes of exercise per day.
  • Eat a healthier diet: A healthy diet is good for heart health, but also for penis health. The Mediterranean diet is a great way to start. Try to eat a diet rich in vegetables, healthy protein sources, omega-3s and other fatty acids. Wild salmon, mackerel, tuna, and fish oil containing DHA are excellent sources of omega-3. Also add pistachios, water chestnuts, watermelons, turmeric, cashews and pumpkins to your diet (for at least six months).
  • Stop smoking: Smoking is harmful to the arteries and blood vessels that are necessary to get and maintain an erection. Quitting smoking helps maintain and optimize erectile function.
  • Cut down on alcohol consumption : Sexual dysfunction is common among men with alcohol dependence.
  • Reduce your stress:  The brain plays a key role in triggering an erection. Stress and anxiety can interfere with this role and cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. If stress is affecting your life, consider talking with a mental health professional.
  • Nothing is happen is the key: In sex time be always a human, never think about your sex partner as a thing. Speak about your feeling and what you are, your perception about it (good, bad, erotic, etc.) . 

Real love : To experience the real love, you need always 3 keys that match for each partner (intimacy, loom, commitment). Your sexual relationships, as well as your love, must be experienced in secret for as long as possible to allow you to flourish.

    Get long last erection for male sex organ

    To help you maintain firm erections for longer, doctors may prescribe drugs like Viagra, so consult them. 

    In our self research we find that Icariin, a flavonoid glycoside, is the main active compound extracted from Epimedium, an Asian plant with neuroprotective effects but which increases the blood flow supplied by the heart. The Epimedium is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, and is known to improve cardiovascular function.

    The icariin has also multiple health-beneficial functions, including correction of endothelial dysfunction, mitigation of DNA damage, repression of macrophage-derived foam cell formation, and suppression of inflammatory responses. So it can help to regenerate brain cells and combat Alzheimer disease too.

    Icariin has been reported to inhibit the formation of Aβ42 fibrils in a dose-dependent manner and prevent neurons from oxidative stress. Additionally, icariin has been suggested to prevent hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein and suppress endoplasmic reticulum stress, thereby improving cognitive function and attenuating neurite atrophy.

    We also find that an infusion of Borojo fruit seeds can inside one or two weeks restore the production of Nitric oxide deficiency of the body. That increase the signal to open the valves of the two channels at the base of the penis, which increases the blood flow in the penis by seven times and gives it a very hard and sustained erection. The duration of the erection is also increased to beyond 40 minutes. We did not test yet this product that have no secondary effect.  It is a natural treatment known by Colombian people.

    Borojo fruit:  Borojo is a small fruit that grow in Columbia, averaging 7 to 12 centimetres in diameter, and has a round to ovate shape, sometimes varying in appearance due to the fruit’s soft nature. When unripe, the fruits are firm, green, and inedible, and as it matures, it transforms into a soft and malleable consistency with a red-brown to dark brown hue. 

    The borojo fruit are like this picture shown.

    Borojo is often found packaged in a plastic bag to maintain the ripe fruit’s delicate texture and shape. The flesh is brown, sticky, dense, and creamy, encasing many small oval seeds, and the number of seeds is highly variable, ranging from 90 to over 600 seeds in one fruit.

    Borojo contains a high moisture content and adequate sugar and acidity levels, giving the fruits a complex, sweet-tart flavoring. The flesh is considered bitter when consumed by itself and bears sweet, tangy notes reminiscent of tamarind, vanilla, plums, and rose hips.

    The recipe is simple to make. Use only the borojo seeds to put them in boiling water for 5 to 8 minutes. You store this juice in a container that goes in the refrigerator. Take 2 glasses a day of this drink for one to two weeks and the erection results will be astounding


    Penis sizeAlso, notice that if you don't feel comfortable with the size of your penis, you can search on our store online in the health care collection some products that you may use that can grow the penis size of a man. In the case that you want a smaller penis or change your sex organ, consult and speak about it with your family doctor. 

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