How to boost the production of stem cells

How to boost the production of stem cells

In this blog, we will give you some tips to boost the stem cells in the human body.

Key Points

Cellular regeneration is a natural process that occurs every day in our body. It tends to slow down due to ageing, external aggressions, illnesses and injuries. However, it is essential to stay healthy. In addition to its anti-ageing effect, it helps improve physical performance. Fortunately, there are simple and natural ways to protect our cells and boost their regeneration. This involves sleep, diet, sporting activities, but also the consumption of food supplements such as pyocyanic.

Imagine that your body could heal quickly and efficiently like a superhero... Although it sounds straight out of a science fiction movie, cellular regeneration is a very real, natural process that happens every day in our bodies.

The human body is made up of approximately 37.2 trillion cells. Like all living beings (plants and animals), our body can self-repair and renew damaged cells, tissues and organs.

Unfortunately, cellular regeneration tends to slow down due to ageing, disease and injury. If science is evolving on this subject with therapy and cellular engineering or regenerative medicine, there are also simple and natural ways to protect our cells and boost their regeneration.

What is cell regeneration? Cellular regeneration or regeneration involves the elimination of dead cells and tissues and their replacement. This natural process produces new cells similar to our original stem cells.

Stem cells are important for regeneration because they can develop into different cell types and self-renew millions of times. They allow the maintenance and repair of tissues, but their regenerative capacity decreases with age. Indeed, ageing is inevitable and also affects our cells. Each of our cells has, at its centre, a nucleus made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes. These chromosomes are protected at their ends by a piece of DNA called a telomere. As we age, these telomeres tend to shorten, which harms the quality of our cells. Almost all of our cells are constantly regenerating, causing our appearance, hair, and personality to change approximately every 7 years. While some of our organs, such as the liver and lungs, can regenerate more or less quickly, this is not the case for all organs. For example, our heart cannot regenerate completely.

What are the parts of the body where cell regeneration is most visible?

First the skin cells: cellular regeneration allows it to renew and repair itself “on its own” The skin renewal cycle lasts between 21 and 28 days.

This is how long it takes to regain a radiant, smooth and hydrated complexion. Only certain skin cells are renewed, those of the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin. The main cells of the epidermis, keratinocytes, migrate from the lower layer or basal layer to the upper layers.

They keratinize. Cellular regeneration of the skin is based on this migration, which is especially active at night. The eliminated cells slough off. Healthy skin immediately replaces these dead cells.

Having healthy skin is essential for our health, because it acts as a shield against external aggressions and pathogenic microorganisms. As we age, cells regenerate less quickly, reducing collagen production and causing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The skin loses its elasticity and radiance

In second place, it is the liver: partial removal of a human liver can be regenerated The liver is one of the few human organs that can be removed and then return to its original size and shape after a few years, like the tail of lizards!

Doctors believe that up to 70% of the organ can be removed and self-renew in just 2 to 6 months, thanks to its 300 million hepatocytes. These liver cells play different roles: detox, purification, synthesis of cholesterol and storage of glucose in the form of glycogen.

Other organs have less effective regeneration, but are still affected by this phenomenon. This is, for example, the case of the intestines, lungs and brain. The latter is made up, at birth, of 100 billion cells, the number of which decreases over time.

However, in certain regions of the brain, cells regenerate, such as in the olfactory bulb (smell) and the hippocampus (learning). Cell production is stimulated through intellectual exercises.

Regeneration of the lungs is observed when stopping smoking. In fact, after just a few days, the person regains their sense of smell and taste. After 5 years, the risk of heart attack becomes the same as a non-smoker.

Provided you have a healthy lifestyle, the intestinal cells or villi are renewed in a few days. They help absorb nutrients from food. The same goes for the cells in the stomach or the taste buds on the tongue.

In third, are the muscles: cellular regeneration allows you to acquire stronger muscles. 

Satellite cells are located under the basal lamina of myofibril (or muscle fibre). These skeletal muscle stem cells give it plasticity and regeneration. Indeed, they have the capacity to self-renew.

This phenomenon occurs when some of them are damaged or senescent. Indeed, muscle regeneration is made up of several phases: Inflammation, Activation of muscle stem cells, Differentiation of cells, and maturation. Inflammation is necessary to activate satellite cells. It is during maturation that the remodelling of new myofibril and muscle strengthening occurs.

Blood cells, they are constantly renewing themselves because they have a limited lifespan. The bone marrow produces several billion of these cells per day.

Bones cells:  The same goes for bones and bone cells. Moreover, our skeleton is completely renewed every 8 to 10 years. Fracture and bones damages take a lot of time to repair, about 3 to 6 months.  The only man that was able to walk after being nail and death on the cross is Jesus Christ of Nazareth after only 3 days, so he rises and regenerate faster than our medical technic can do. Sure, it was a real miracle that science has no explanation. 

Others parts of the body: Nails and hair also grow back thanks to cell regeneration. On average, nails grow between 0.5 mm and 1.2 mm per week and hair between 1 and 1.5 cm per month.

What are the benefits of accelerating or improving cell regeneration? Good cell regeneration provides an anti-ageing effect on your skin.  Stimulating cell regeneration helps maintain young and firm skin, as well as a radiant complexion. This anti-ageing effect slows the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, the skin is more resistant and protects more from external aggressions. If ageing often means slowing down cellular regeneration, dehydration and wrinkles, it is possible to prevent skin ageing by adopting a suitable lifestyle that accelerates or maintains cellular regeneration.

Living in good health requires adequate cellular regeneration

Cellular regeneration occurs at all levels of the body. Thus, by increasing this phenomenon, you guarantee the preservation and proper functioning of your body. The good health of your organs, your skin, your hair requires cell renewal.

Our body relies on the confrontation of two processes: anabolism and catabolism. During the first 20 years of our life, anabolism is most active. This phenomenon promotes the growth and repair of our tissues and organs, thus helping to stay in shape.

On the contrary, catabolism produces waste products related to digestion, chemical reactions and the immune system. If catabolism takes over anabolism, signs of ageing and degeneration appear. It is therefore important to try to maintain a balance between these two processes to stay healthy.

Cellular regeneration helps improve physical performance Cellular regeneration contributes to sports performance by allowing the creation of new mitochondria in muscle cells, which helps provide energy during physical effort.

Top athletes were the first to use stem cell therapies to treat injuries and improve longevity. Popularized in the sports world, these therapies are now also used among non-athletes. Among athletes who have used this type of therapy:  Rafael Nadal received stem cell treatment in 2018 on his lower back to help heal some cartilage and joint damage. The results become visible in 2019 with great performances on the court.  Athletes therefore often use stem cell therapy to treat injuries, increase their years for pursuit on the field or boost their performance.

These therapies increase muscle regeneration tenfold. Without going that far, treating and improving cellular regeneration through a healthy lifestyle seems essential for good muscle recovery and sports performance.

Cellular regeneration: the key to potential immortality? Cellular regeneration presents a definite opportunity for longevity. Moreover, billionaires are investing in the search for rejuvenation and immortality. According to them, technological and scientific advancement can considerably improve the quality and length of human life.

The latter discovered cellular reprogramming, a medicine that allows cellular rejuvenation. Cellular reprogramming involves inserting four specific genes into the genome of an adult cell to rejuvenate it to an embryonic stage, called an induced pluripotent stem cell or induced stem cell. Induced stem cells could make it possible to repair or manufacture any type of organ or tissue, because they can transform into any type of cell: neuron, cardiac, epithelial, etc. This research on cell regeneration could facilitate toxicological testing and improve human health. However, despite the wildest dreams of billionaires, we will have to wait a little time before we can rejuvenate and a very long time to become immortal.

How to optimize your cellular regeneration? Cellular regeneration is therefore essential to our good health. It is based on a series of mechanisms that evolve over the years. To counter the ageing process and the slowdown in cellular regeneration, it is essential to preserve your body.

Have a balanced diet Eating well is essential to maintain the good health of our cells and encourage cellular regeneration. Indeed, there is a close relationship between nutrition and cell renewal.

In order to stimulate the natural development of cells, it seems necessary to incorporate foods favorable to stem cells into your diet. Conversely, a poor diet, for example too rich in red meat, can unbalance the balance between free radicals and antioxidants, a source of oxidative stress. The latter harms our cells and prevents cell regeneration. To counter this phenomenon, you must vary your diet and in particular favor foods rich in antioxidants, such as goji berries, raspberries or pomegranate.

Vitamin C also helps boost cellular regeneration. Therefore, it is important to consume fruits and vegetables, but also cereals. Find our article on vitamin C here.

Ingredients of animal origin, such as eggs, dairy products and organ meats, promote the intake of vitamin A, seafood and oily fish the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA ( eicosapentaenoic acid). Vitamin A and EPA activate adult stem cells and promote cell renewal.

Detoxifying your body also plays a major role in cell regeneration. You must therefore take care of your liver with foods, such as cruciferous vegetables, watercress, arugula, maitake and shiitake mushrooms or turmeric. These cause the growth of stem cells.

To eliminate toxins, don’t hesitate to drink plenty of water. Intermittent fasting also helps detoxify the body and accelerate cell regeneration, because it activates stem cells.

Exercise regularly A sedentary lifestyle hinders the proper functioning of our body and our cells. On the contrary, a healthy and active lifestyle helps to stimulate the production of stem cells. Physical exercise, particularly cardio sports, promotes a rapid increase in the total number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), which triggers muscle regeneration.

Among the cardio sports to favor are jogging, cycling, but also CrossFit or HIIT. These sports help maintain or develop the length of telomeres which tend to decrease with age, leading to programmed cellular suicide. Indeed, during cell divisions, chromosomes not protected by telomeres will lead to cellular senescence. It is therefore important, through sport, to maintain our telomeres at the correct length!

Opt for antioxidant food supplements

Antioxidants play an important role in good cellular health thanks to a triple action: Counteract the production of free radicals, Eliminate excess free radicals, Repair damaged cells. Although certain foods are sources of antioxidants, the intake is not always sufficient. Therefore, supplementation should be considered. Phycocyanin is a powerful natural antioxidant. It has many virtues, acts as a shield against oxidative stress and maintains your cellular health. As part of a treatment to maintain cell regeneration, our Vitamin C & Blue Spirulina product is also interesting.

Eating or drink Dark Chocolate: The flavanols inside the seeds of Cacao stimulate the production of stem cells too.  So if you drink two glass of hot dark chocolate per day for a only one month, you will decrease the risk of hearth disease or cardiovascular deaths and double your stem cells. 

Sleep well Sleep is essential for your overall health. To regenerate, the body requires quality, restorative sleep every night. On average, we're talking about 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Scientific studies also prove that insomnia and lack of sleep are detrimental to the function of stem cells and their migration.

When we only sleep 4 to 5 hours per night, our telomeres shorten and our cells age prematurely. It is above all, during the night, between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., that our cells regenerate, particularly skin cells.

Avoid stress: Stress and mind wandering are very bad for our cells. Indeed, excessive stress reduces the length of our telomeres. To counter stress, you can practice yoga, meditation, mindfulness, but also take a walk, listen to music, read a book...

Wacth out for the sun The sun is well known to be bad for the skin. It causes the production of free radicals and slows down cell regeneration. So, if you like to laze around in the sun, consider protecting your skin with a total sunscreen lotion.

Conclusion Cellular regeneration is a natural and almost invisible phenomenon. However, it plays a precious role for our health: quality of skin, hair and nails, strength and physical performance, general health.

However, in response to environmental aggressions and ageing, our body becomes a victim of cellular senescence. Don't worry, between scientific advances and natural methods (diet, physical activity, food supplements, etc.), there are ways to stimulate cell regeneration to stay young and in top shape!

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