Herpes: What treatments are available to cure it permanently?

Herpes: What treatments are available to cure it permanently?

Herpes is a viral and contagious disease. It causes burning, itching and scabs on the infected area (mouth, face, genitals, etc.). What are the treatments? How to cure herpes permanently?

According to the WHO, 3.7 billion people under the age of 50, or 67% of the population, have an HSV-1 infection (cold sores) and 491 million people aged 15 to 49 are infected with HSV-2 (herpes simplex). The symptoms of herpes are generally located in the genitals, on the face and especially the mouth. 

What is herpes? 

Herpes is a viral and contagious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 or 2 that manifests itself through skin and mucous membrane conditions. In the case of herpes, grouped vesicles appear on the affected area.

Herpes is benign, but it can be more annoying during pregnancy, in infants, or in people with immunodeficiencies and responsible for pulmonary infections or encephalitis in particular.

There are two main types of herpes virus, HSV1, which is more of an oral manifestation, and HSV2, which affects the genital areas. After a first encounter with the HSV1 virus that can go unnoticed or be noisy, grouping together numerous vesicles, around and in the mouth, responsible for pain and reduced feeding, the virus remains present in the body.

It can then cause recurrences, frequently taking the form of cold sores or fever blisters, in the event of HSV1 infection.

Cold Sore: 

When herpes is located in the mouth: this is call "cold sore". Painful and unsightly, cold sores cause the formation of blisters and then scabs. Tingling, blisters, scabs: the cold sore appears.

It is a small blister or a small group of blisters, usually located at the junction between the mucous membrane of the lips and the skin of the face. Apart from its unsightly appearance, it is benign, but contamination is common in the event of outbreaks.

Around 7.5 million United Kingdom people are affected by this disease. While there is no miracle cure to prevent it from coming out or to make it disappear overnight, there are solutions to slow its progression and speed up its healing.

What causes cold sores?

Cold sores are skin lesions caused by the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1). Often contracted during childhood, this primary infection goes unnoticed at first because the virus goes dormant. "In the presence of certain factors such as stress, menstruation, fever, prolonged exposure to the sun or fatigue, the virus reactivates, multiplies and creates a lesion on the surface of the skin," explains Dr. Nina Roos, a dermatologist in Paris.

We call them "cold sores" because they appear in the form of small vesicles containing the virus. They are generally accompanied by a moderate increase in body temperature. Extremely contagious, they must be treated locally. 

Quick solutions exist to get rid of them: creams, toothpaste, tea tree...

What creams should be applied to a cold sore that has already appeared?

The standard treatment is antiviral medication. When used locally, they act on the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores by blocking its multiplication. Their effects: they reduce the contagion time, shorten the outbreak and reduce its intensity.

Local treatments cannot eliminate the herpes virus, prevent the recurrence or frequency of attacks. Local treatments should be used as early as possible at the first warning signs, before the appearance of blisters: burning sensation, tension and tingling in the lips. Remember that they are ineffective if used too late, when the scab appears at the time of healing.

"They should be used for about a week, until the scabs appear," says Dr. Roos. It is necessary to stop local treatment if the lesions worsen or if they do not heal after 10 days of development.

In all these cases, seek the advice of a pharmacist or doctor. Two main treatments:

  • Aciclovir 5%, cream: Don't use in children under 6 years old. Don't apply in the eye, mouth or vagina. Apply the cream several times a day and do not hesitate to overflow around the lesion. Wash your hands before and after each application to avoid transmitting the infection. 
  • Penciclovir 1%, cream: Don't use in children under 15 years old. Don't apply in the eye, mouth or vagina. Apply the cream several times a day, overflowing around the lesion. Wash your hands carefully before and after each application to avoid transmitting the infection.

What to avoid doing during cold sore treatment

  • Tearing off the scab delays healing,
  • Disinfecting the cold sore with alcohol or products containing alcohol because these cause irritation and maintain the herpes
  • Putting on foundation to hide the lesions due to a risk of delayed healing
  • Treating the lesions with local products containing corticosteroids.

Homeopathic treatments:

If you are a fan of small granules, homeopathy can be an alternative or a complement to a classic treatment: Vaccinotoxinum is necessary as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Rhu's toxicodendron is recommended in the presence of vesicles. APIs should be used in the event of a stinging sensation and lip oedema.

Natural remedies to put on the cold sore:

Toothpaste. This is a grandmother's remedy that has sometimes proven itself. It consists of applying a little toothpaste on the herpes all night long. By drying it out, it would accelerate its disappearance.

Essential oils. In particular those of tea tree.  Apply a pure drop to the finger or with a cotton swab, 2–3 times a day, is recommended

How to prevent the pimple from coming back?

Once the treatments are in hand, it is important to avoid the sun, intense cold (be careful during snow holidays) and to rest because the cold sore is often associated with a state of intense fatigue, sometimes also low morale. Unsightly and painful, it can be difficult to live with, even if it only lasts a few days or even a week.

Fighting fatigue and improving your natural defences are the first recommendations: make sure you have a balanced diet, get restful sleep and fight stress by doing physical activity or relaxation.

"If the eruptions are frequent, talk to your doctor, who can prescribe oral antivirals for several months', says Dr. Roos. If they do not cure herpes, they help to space out recurrences."

How to prevent the transmission of a cold sore?

Since the virus is very contagious, it can be transmitted to other people. "During the outbreak, avoid kissing other people, especially children under 6–7 years old, especially if they are prone to eczema, insists our expert. In them, the herpes virus could spread to the whole body."

Some actions to take:

  • Do not touch your cold sore with your fingers.
  • Do not share dishes or towels.
  • Avoid kissing and intimate contact.
  • Follow your doctor's prescription.
  • The herpes virus present around the mouth can spread to other parts of the face. It can also spread to other areas of the body, such as the eyes, nose, skin or genitals

Ophthalmic herpes occurs in the eyes:

When near an eye, it can lead to loss of vision in the affected eye, if appropriate treatment is not prescribed very quickly. When a painful eye appears, the opinion and examination of an ophthalmologist are essential to make a diagnosis and start treatment.

Certain medications and eye drops are contraindicated in cases of ophthalmic herpes.

Cold sore during pregnancy: how to treat it?

This manifestation is common during pregnancy because of the fatigue that this condition can induce. "Self-medication by mouth is totally inadvisable, warns Dr. Roos. On the other hand, as soon as the first tingling sensations appear, you can apply an antiviral cream locally." If recurrences are very frequent or the cold sore develops in other places, such as the genitals, talk to your obstetrician.

The best defence against herpes is the antibodies present in the blood. When you have them, it is for life, no more traces of herpes on your body, but their presence calls into question all ovarian or sperm donations or the possibility of being a surrogate mother.

Doctors wishing to avoid any risk of transmitting herpes to other people or patients systematically refuse to put your name on the donor list.

Genital herpes 

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that affects both women and men and manifests itself through various symptoms on the genitals

How is genital herpes transmitted?

Genital herpes is transmitted during vaginal sex (penetration of the penis into the vagina), anal sex (penetration of the penis into the anus) or oral sex (contact of the mouth with the penis, vulva, vagina, etc.). But also by sharing sex toys.

Sexual transmission can occur even without penetration, orgasm or ejaculation. An infected mother can also transmit herpes to her baby during pregnancy or at the time of delivery. It can occur even if the infected person does not have any symptoms of herpes.

Many people infected with genital herpes do not know that they are carrying the virus because they do not have any symptoms.

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

Tingling and itching in the genital area The appearance of blisters (vesicles) grouped in a bunch, which can then burst because they are filled with fluids. They can appear on the penis, scrotum, vulva, vagina, anus, near the thighs, on the buttocks.... Sometimes, it is with violent pain. A sensitive lymph node in the groin crease

What are the symptoms during a first outbreak of herpes in women?

The first outbreak of herpes (primary infection) is often announced in the hours before by symptoms similar to those caused by flu syndrome: fever, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain and urinary disorders with difficulty urinating.

Genital herpes causes the appearance of vesicles in the vagina, cervix and on the vulva, but also near the anus. Lesions can also appear on the thighs or buttocks. Lymph nodes are usually present in the groin.

What are the symptoms of a first herpes outbreak in men?

How in women, the first herpes outbreak causes symptoms similar to the flu (fever, fatigue, headache, aches, difficulty urinating). Genital herpes causes the appearance of blisters on the penis, around the testicles, near the anus, or on the thighs and buttocks. In men, lymph nodes may be present in the groin.

How long does the first herpes outbreak last?

Without treatment, the first herpes outbreak lasts on average 1 to 3 weeks.

When do symptoms appear?

Symptoms of genital herpes usually appear one week after infection (6 to 10 days).

Tiffany (jssmjaks@gmail.com) said: 

I want to share my experience of getting rid of my herpes with no side effects, thanks to Dr. Ajayi. I was diagnosed with herpes 5 years ago and was taking medications, but I wasn't satisfied with the results. I started looking for possible cures and came across a comment about Dr. Ajayi and his herbal medicine. I contacted him, and he guided me through the process. He prepared the herbs, shipped them to me with instructions and dosage, and I took the medicine as prescribed. After a few days, I did a blood test twice, and the results came out negative. I was completely cured of herpes. I am so grateful to Dr. Ajayi for all he did. If you need help with herbal remedies, you can contact him via email at ajayiherbalhome@gmail.com, call/WhatsApp him at +2348119071237, or visit his website https://ajayiherbalhome.weebly.com.


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