Fight against Alzheimer's disease

Fight against Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that destroys brain cells, causing memory and thinking skills to deteriorate over time. Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of ageing and is irreversible.

According to university research, a link has been made with 5 food ingredients that accelerate the development of the disease. You should avoid eating them, they are the following:

  1. Popcorn because it has flavour packets that contain chemicals that are absorbed by the brain and alter it. (look at MGS)
  2. Sweeteners like aspartame, Splenda (sucralose), saccharin, Polydextrose, etc.
  3. Meats processed foods, such as cold meats, peperoni, Bologna

  4. Red meat : Red meat increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The iron in this food promotes oxidative stress, in other words an imbalance between the excessive amount of free radicals and antioxidants.


  5. Milk products: Too much dairy products such as butter, cream and cheese cause an accumulation of fatty bodies in the brain which accelerates the risk of worsening Alzheimer's disease.

  6. Aluminium: The concentration found of Aluminium is higher in the brains of people who died from Alzheimer's than from other causes of death. Unfortunately, Aluminium is everywhere. It's in drinking water, supplements, antacids, deodorants, cans, foils and is commonly used in cookware. It is suggested to limit the use of aluminium utensils and pots or to take food supplements, such as vitamins, that contain them.
  7. Diacetyl: And diacetyl is bad news for our memory, It causes beta-amyloid clumping with is a signifiant indicator of Alzheimer's 
  8. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other sources of glutamate in foods: Glutamate is an amino acid that is part of the composition of food proteins of animal and plant origin. Glutamate is naturally present in many foods we eat every day, including: Grapes tomatoes the mushrooms certain cheeses, such as Parmesan and Roquefort fruit juices (such as grape juice) and tomato juice. Glutamine is a related amino acid that occurs naturally in high concentrations in certain foods. It transforms into glutamate in the presence of glutaminase, an enzyme added to foods. Glutaminase can be used in wheat flour, baked goods, pasta, hydrolysed proteins, certain egg products, yeast extracts and certain flavour preparations.
Sweeteners and MGS are both * Excitotoxins* because they excite or stimulated the brain cells to death. So they should be to avoid of your diet. 

    Poor sleep quality

    Researchers continue to study this risk factor. Indeed, sleep is important because it allows the brain to be cleansed of toxic proteins formed during the waking phase (by the “glymphatic” system). Having poor sleep quality could impair these cleansing processes. And therefore contribute to the accumulation of brain damage from Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Geraldine Rauchs demonstrated that difficulty falling asleep is linked to the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. Fortunately, it is possible to act on the quality of sleep! Not with medications but with other methods such as exposure to light, physical activity, meditation, cardiac coherence, etc.


    Here are some possible solutions to counter Alzheimer's disease:

    1. The practice of appropriate and regular physical activity
    2. A healthy diet ; it is suggested to use the Mediterranean diet for UK people;
    3. Mental stimulation supported by leisure activities;
    4. Maintaining social and friendly ties
    5. Sleep well
    6. Drink a glass of Kombucha with fermented ginger each day. This drink, may be not available in the market, so you will have to do it homemade.  But the rewards are very good, a research shown goods results to counter the progression of the Alzheimer's disease by more than 88.3 % and make you live a more happy life for the next 10 to 15 years without suffering too pronounced dementia.



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